Saturday 12 November 2016

President Camacho

Of course the nation was stupid enough to elect Donald Trump.  We live in a country that has to show Bruce Wayne’s family getting killed every time a new Batman movie comes out.  We GET it, already.  My grandfather died in 1937 and never spoke a word of English and HE knew why Batman did his thing.

Man.  I’ve already seen several less-than-clever and sledgehammer-subtle references in the past few days to how we are playing out a real-life version of “Idiocracy.”  A couple of people on Facebook have slyly referred to reality TV star and foul-mouthed, absurdly-coiffed imbecile-elect Donald Trump as “President Camacho,” a callback to the reality-TV star president with a foul mouth and silly hairstyle played expertly by Terry Crews in the movie.

This falls apart for a few reasons.  As it happens, I’d rather have President Camacho than the other guy.  Here’s why.

In the movie, President Camacho realizes that there is a problem and sets about trying to solve it, because it’s for the good of the nation and its citizens.  The movie makes it clear that he’s not doing it for his own self-aggrandizement, although he does have a healthy ego.  He can’t solve the problem, so he assembles his cabinet, who are idiots and dullards.

Ultimately, the President realizes that the only way to solve the problem is to find the smartest person in the country and let him solve it. 

I just don’t see the other guy doing any of this.  I’d rather have Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho as President.